Anyone heard the E.A.R. "Acute"?

Sounds interesting, CDP w/tubed output stage and analog domain volume. Just wondering if anyone has had a chance to listen to one?
I got the ediswans today. Got my player back. The ediswans are very moderately warm and very full. Non offensive highs. Nice soundstage. Bass could be a little tighter. Could also have a little better separation. If you like your music to the warm side this is the one for you. I think they could be a little more open. I heard mullards before and I prefer these to the Millard sound. I will try mixing tubes now since the ear allows you to do that I will report back soon.
I've got Ediswan's in my Acute 3. I agree in that they could be a little more open. Let us know what tube you swap in. I might try one 7308.
I swapped in the Siemens for one of the ediswans it was a little better but it could still be more open. Plus the layering could be better. I wish I could try the kubala sosna interconnects emotions. They add slight warmth without taking away openness from what I see from forums that I have researched. I might have to figure out a way to get them in my system. The reviewer that liked the Siemens used kubala sosna emotions. I'm going to mix the ediswans with amperex and telefunkens next.
I always liked my Acute with the original JJs, but I bought a pair of 6DJ8 Amperex Bugle Boys from Andy at Vintage Tube Services in 2012 and they sound just great, IMO. Full-bodied, detailed, not harsh. I've seen no reason to fool around with other tubes since then. They were a bit expensive, $266 for the pair shipped, but well worth it, IMO.