Anyone heard the E.A.R. "Acute"?

Sounds interesting, CDP w/tubed output stage and analog domain volume. Just wondering if anyone has had a chance to listen to one?
I swapped in the Siemens for one of the ediswans it was a little better but it could still be more open. Plus the layering could be better. I wish I could try the kubala sosna interconnects emotions. They add slight warmth without taking away openness from what I see from forums that I have researched. I might have to figure out a way to get them in my system. The reviewer that liked the Siemens used kubala sosna emotions. I'm going to mix the ediswans with amperex and telefunkens next.
I always liked my Acute with the original JJs, but I bought a pair of 6DJ8 Amperex Bugle Boys from Andy at Vintage Tube Services in 2012 and they sound just great, IMO. Full-bodied, detailed, not harsh. I've seen no reason to fool around with other tubes since then. They were a bit expensive, $266 for the pair shipped, but well worth it, IMO.
The most balanced I've tried are the Amperex 7308 White Labels, USA version. The Holland version 7308 had a bit too much emphasis on the midrange at expense of losing a lot of instrumentation and detail. The White Label USA 7308 is the best at being detailed but without being too lean, as it is still full bodies and a bit warm. I would trie the White Label, CalvinJ. I ordered mine from Brent Jessee at You can return them if they don't work out. But I think this is the best balance of detail, soundstage, and warmth, and jazz piano and vocals are all excellent.

You also may want to try swapping the positions of the tubes if you are using 2 different tubes, as the position definitely matters. I noticed the sound takes more of the sonic quality of the tube in the front position (closest to the front panel) in my Acute 3.