Tone arm upgrade

I'm currently using a Rega RB300 modded tonearm ( aftermarket wiring harness and counterweight). I'd like to consider a step up, have been keeping my eye open for a good condition used Linn Itok arm. Is this the right path or in the $1~$2k price range is I there another good alternative?
I agree about the Trans-Fi Terminator. Don't let the name put you off - it is a first class piece of work, with clever design substituting for the need for expensive, high precision parts. It is at home in an expensive ESL system.

Also, Vic, the owner of Trans-Fi, was on a mission to improve my system. He gave me good advice and material support, far beyond the self-interest of a manufacturer or retailer. If air-bearings scare you, let Vic be your guide.
I can't wait to install the Tran-Fi Terminator arm with all the upgrades on my super Lenco TT with most of Jean Nantais' mods. I have the electrical all in place from my days with the Maplenoll Ariadne. The closet in the far corner of my basement has sound control inside it and an outlet with the on/off switch located directly at my TT--NO NOISE AT ALL.
Until you've heard a properly working straight line tracking arm, you most likely haven't heard your analog at its best.
I was doing research on an arm to replace my own rewired RB300, and had narrowed it down to a couple, including the Audiomods. My cartridges (both Londons) present about as difficult a challenge to an arm as any out there. Some argue the Audiomods arm is not up to that challenge, an argument of which I have yet to be convinced ( I could of course buy one to find out!). I was also looking at the Kuzma Stogi Reference (which appears to perhaps be a better choice for use with the London's), but the cost of one wired with a continuous loom of silver from cartridge clips to KLE silver RCA plugs (also available in the Audiomods) is over $5,000, more than I am in a position to spend ( I doubt anyone considering the Audiomod is either!). I ultimately went with a different arm, the identity of which I am not at liberty to divulge ;-). I spent more than I had been planning to, but will never need to replace it.
"I ultimately went with a different arm, the identity of which I am not at liberty to divulge ".

Why? Is it from Outer Space? Did the Russian government threaten you? Geez.