I am no longer a dealer, which is irrelevant to what I'm selling. If anyone calls me and what they need that fits their system is something I do not have I will recommend it.
Quite frankly I was not trying to sell the original poster anything I have, he can't afford it as it is beyond his stated price points. Reading the question as posed this guy needed some guidance.
What I would recommend for him as opposed to whatever $600 i/c he has (he failed to mention what he's talking about, $200 versus $600 means absolutely nothing) would be entry level neutral JPS Labs that costs $150 a set, and he needs two sets, not one. I cannot do anything about getting them for him as I am not a dealer and will get nothing if he chooses to try them. He's on his own in terms of where to get them.
In terms of the book I am not selling it yet as it will be a few months before it's ready. I am selling nothing in the book, just pure logic and advice that helps audiophiles of any experience level understand some things that won't be figured out without spending hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars and more time than any hobbyist will ever have. I use several examples for everything I have to say, and I want people to be able to understand and try things for themselves.
weak call buddy, that book isn't going to help ignorant and opinionated people.
Care to comment on what I said? My generic point that has nothing to do with trying to sell anything was that money spent in cable gives you far more bang for the buck than any given equipment upgrade will if the cable isn't at a high level first...and that you aren't going to hear the differences between two grades of cable if the speaker cable is inferior to the interconnect being tried.
Oh, and Y connectors are a joke in terms of the coloration they bring into the equation. It was mentioned that the new cable is best left in the system for a few weeks to break in, then try the old cable and go back and forth listening for differences. They will be hard to hear with weak speaker cables.
Good Luck, if the right approach isn't used a lot of luck will be needed.
By the way, I'm selling lot of my reference equipment, people taking first steps wouldn't be interested, but I do try to share knowledge that anyone can use to help understand where they will get the most bang for the buck. That is a free service and costs nothing.
Anyone serious about audio will work through a lot of cable upgrades before wasting their money on components,,,that is a fact, PERIOD. If you don't you'll come back to cable in the end after equipment just isn't doing what you are looking for.