Clear Day Interconnects

I see Clear Day has interconnects back on the market. I really like Paul's speaker cable. Does anyone use these in their rig from when Paul sold these a few years ago? I'll probably try them out with a home demo. If they are as good as his speaker cable the interconnects should be a winner too.
I always reverse ICs regardless of direction of arrows, you know, just in case they actually sound better that way. It's not that I don't trust them. ;-)
Cables are usually directional because there will be a foil or drain wire that is connected to one end only to drain off any static electricity, etc. i believe they are designed to drain away from the source but I could be wrong.
Cables that do not have a drain wire are also directional due the directionality of the conductor. So, hopefully whoever attached the drain wire in thise cables was aware of the inherent directionality of the conductor, otherwise the cable with drain wire will be forced to go in the "wrong" way. One can image cases of multiple conductors or even stranded conductors which hopefully are assembled with directionality in mind, otherwise there will be chaos.
I have been using ClearDay cables for more than a year now. They have been a great match in my system. I think, in my system, they have provided the "drive" that was missing with the previous cables. Does that mean, they deliver more current to the speakers? I don't know that. They do not sound harsh in my system. In fact I think they bring out the details in the mid-bass that was previously missing in my system. This was especially important for some older 50-60s recordings that I have on cassette tapes.
Yes, the ICs and speaker cables from ClearDay are directional.
Re Clear Day double shotguns, I have a 8 ft pr which I can take or leave on my Meadowlark and Gallo Speakers .
Where they SHINE is on my Omega 3XRS  single driver  94 db speakers .
The slight peak is just right on symphonic strings and they have the best instrumental sepreration I've heard .They are spot on with leading transients playing to the new Omega RA 5 drivers strength .
Made the Omegas go from an OK classical speaker to a go-to classical
speaker !