Speakers or Amp

My current amp is a Jeff Rowland Continuum S2 Integrated amp. My current speakers are Aerial 7ts. I have an opportunity to change one or the other. I can go from the Continuum S2 to the JR 625 mk2 with the Capri 2 preamp or from Aerial 7Ts to Raidho C3.1s. for about the same cost. I'm try to improve spacing between instruments and add a little more air. Looking for feedback from anyone familiar with the aforementioned components or general thoughts regarding the best option.
I'd experiment with the speakers and do audition before you buy. Hopefully you've kept some older speaker cables around so you can experiment more fully.

All the best,
A step to separates might help. However, judging from your photos I question your application for the GIK panels. It appears you have a total of 6 panels, 2 on each wall and two on the ceiling that are tightly spaced together. I suggest a looser spacing on the sides and remove one or both from the ceiling. Also try a different ceiling position somewhat over the speaker position. You might find the missing air/dimensionality. Good luck.
I bet the Verity Parsifal's would sound great with your Rowland. A pair of Encores on the used market are generally in the 6-7K range. My pair in Makore were gorgeous too.
richard, ryan here (i bought your sashas a few years back). seriously, come to houston one weekend as i think you'd benefit greatly from a few $ spent on AC conditioning and some diff cabling before you go whole hog on speakers / separates. TG Audio (local mfg) makes some great (but not great looking) stuff, and think it may get you there faster than swapping boxes
Thanks for the recommendations:

Inna- I'm happy with my BDP2, Jeff Rowland Aeris DAC, and Wireworld Platinum cables

Nonoise- I've already heard the Raidho C3.1s, but not with my own components...on Saturday I will hear them with my own components

Rhljazz- I placed my panels according to what GIK told me to do, but I will experiment with removing the ceiling panels and or moving them along with the side panels

Fjn04- thanks for the suggestion, but my focus is JR 625 mk2 or the Raidho C3.1s