why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable

I have tried expensive cables and one's moderately priced. I would say there were some differences but I can't actually say the expensive cables were better. IMHO I believe a lot of people buy expensive cables because they don't actual trust their ears and are afraid of making a mistake. They figure the expensive cables are better for the fact they cost more. If you have a difference of opinion or share the same thoughts, I would like to hear about it.

OK! I believe brother!
"why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable"
Because those people are really, really stupid!
Can I get an Amen?

Now let's move on.
"10-29-15: Ebm
Some people have money to buy the best."

And everyone hates us for it, don't they? I say, there's plenty of money out there and if you don't have any its your own fault. Stop crying like a bunch of babies.
Major breakthrough on this thread though. Most agree all wires do not sound the same. I'll buy that. That's progress whenever people tend to agree on most anything these days.