Clear Day XLR

I recently Received a pair of Pauls Double Shotgun Speaker cables to try out in my system which I must say sound wonderful. Well they made me interested in Pauls Interconnects. I contacted Him and with no obligation he sent me a new pair of XLRs to try out. My current ones are Wireworld Silver Eclipse 7's. these are being used between the Preamp and power amp. My system consists of an Audio Research Ref2 MK2 Preamp,Ref 7 CD player,VT200 Amp,Krell FPB400CX Amp and Infinity IRS Betas. I use The Vt200 for my Mid/High towers. Upon adding Pauls Cables I found they really opened up the sound stage, Vocals really improved and the Music is way more detailed.Over all much better sound with no Harshness. These are new And I am sure they will even get Better once Broken in. I plan to change all my Cables soon with Clear Days. Paul is a Great guy to deal with and A true Gentleman.
Agree totally, I also changed all my speaker and XLR to solid core 99.999 silver cable and never look back.
Thanks Vito....just as a precaution to others....(I use silver cables too) Sometimes silver can be unnaturally favorable to highs (thinking of Nordost and others in MY system). Cables always sound different in different systems. Its wise to live with whatever your choice is before buying.