Best value in pre-owned preamps right now?

I see all sorts of deals as I think lots of people are dumping traditional analog only preamps for those that now include a DAC. Personally I'd NEVER ever want a DAC in my preamp as that technology improves by the minute.

What is your bang for the buck king right now?

I'm not at all interested in digital inputs... so keep that in mind!
Ag insider logo xs@2xhk_fan

I have seen you post this same thing several times. Do you work for the manufacturer or are you an agent?

Not at all Taters, I'm not a shill like many others on Audiogon.
I recommend this as probably the cheapest one made that is good quality.

If you hit the link, I produce an entirely different approach to a passive attenuator which I believe is even better, the theory is the same but for 11 X the price.

This Schitt SYS passive is a taste of what can be had for just $49 and with a trial period.

Cheers George
I think it depends on the budget. For a truly budget system the Schitt SYS combined with the right used power amp might prove better than an integrated.

A used Jolida or Quicksilver tube pre also come to mind as a good deal in a somewhat more expensive system.
Classe pre-amps used are typically very good value. Bel Canto also. It always comes down to these two for me when looking. I would also consider most Krells.
+1 for the Modwright SWL 9.0 suggestion. I've tried (multiple times) to remove the analog preamp from my system, but always come back to them. It's a personal preference, having a standalone preamp in the signal chain happens to be mine - YMMV.

I acquired a Modwright a few months ago and find it to be wonderful - as good or better than all other preamps I've owned (up to $5k). I rolled in a pair or Amperex Pinched 7119's and absolutely love it.