Virtual System updating problems. Anyone else?

I've been trying to update my Virtual System but always get an ERROR message.
Re-enter my name and password etc.
Sends me to a page to enter a NEW system....
just wondering....
Al, glad to hear good impressions of teh software team doing upgrades currently. Hopefully Agon learned from their last upgrade a couple years back which was a huge fiasco.
How in the world did you find that?
I noticed the issue last week when I wanted to do some updates to my system description. In recent months it has been evident that "remembering" log-ins has been erratic on the forum part of the site, so I figured the issue might have something to do with that. Therefore I suspected that performing a log-in on the forum part of the site immediately before clicking the "edit this system" link, but without leaving the page on which that link appears, might do the trick. Which suggested doing the log-in in a separate browser tab. Just took about 3 or 4 minutes for me to discover that.

BTW, I notice that there are now some writeups in the Audiogon blog about the revisions to the forum and virtual system software. Click on "Blog" under "Community" on the Audiogon home page.

-- Al
Looks like some nice enhancements/new features coming.

I'd like to see the site become more inherently visual over time. No reason in this day and age that any product listing for sale (not just those "featured" should not show an image when browsing or searching.
I like Al also corresponded with Audiogon during Beta testing of the new systems and forums and just want to say I found the staff to be very responsive and eager to hear and respond to feedback. The new format for systems is very easy to use and looks great.