What would you do?

I happen to have proof that a fairly well known American boutique audio audio company routinely and brazenly shill bids its auctions for audio equipment. Knowledge of this fraud and so many people being ripped off troubles me. Thoughts?
They will investigate it but if it's one the favorite revenue makers from them good luck. I complained about a offer I put on a sub the company sent a smart response back. I sent a smart response to them and audiogon said I was harassing them. Lol. You can't touch certain companies cookie jar or mommy will put you on punishment. Lol. Good luck reporting them. Lol.
Its true unfortunately that if audiogon does anything to enforce ethical business practices its certainly not advertised or apparent in a any way. It's not been a problem for me personally so I don't know, other than I see no indications of much if anything that might negatively impact teh site's revenue. I suppose its bad marketing to publish any dirty laundry.
Sounds like someone holds a grudge. We see these allegations from time to time. Usually they're not true. Carry on. Smoke if you got 'em.
Yup bad marketing. You wouldn't want that. You always protect who gives you the most revenue. Its called money over individual customer fairness or concerns. Yup I got a grudge. If you you care about the big guys a dump on the individual customers and protect folks who do sneaky things. Yup grudge grudge grudge. Lol.
"Truth is a defense."

True, but the person making the allegation has the burden of proof to establish that his statement is true. If the truth of the statement is in a gray area, the person making the statement is more likely to loose. Winning or loosing a case often depends on which party has the burden of proof.

Better be sure your proof is solid and not just some third party's opinion. If you are relying on someone's first hand knowledge of what actually happened, you better get a written statement so that the story doesn't change later on.

Without some insider's confession, I don't know how you'd be able to establish (i) the identity of people that participate in an internet auction and (ii) that one of those persons was acting as a shill for the seller.