Recs for solid state integrated, $2-3,000 range

Would appreciate recommendations for a solid state integrated amp for use with vintage Tannoy dual concentric 315 drivers in cheviot cabinets. I understand these pair well with tube amps, but they also do well with a solid state and that is what I am looking for at this point. Budget is about $2500-3,000, new or used. The inclusion of a DAC is a plus but not necessary (I understand the downside of no upgrades but I like the idea of one box and no interconnects to a DAC).

I am looking for powerful bass and good soundstage and imaging. I listen to orchestral music, jazz and some rock from a macbook using audirvana and high res files. No phono on the horizon. I would like an amp that I could eventually use with other types of speakers in the future such as harbeths or newer tannoys.

I am considering Bel Canto 5 and 7, Hegel 80 and 200. Have only heard the Hegel so far- loved the sound but it seemed to lack bass authority and power. I may of in this direction but am looking at all options. I want something in a reasonable size and weight - not too big.

My listening room is large - approx 45 feet by 22 feet.

Speaker specs are:
Type: 2 way, single driver loudspeaker system
Frequency Response: 40Hz to 20kHz
Power Handling: 60W
Crossover Frequency: 1000Hz
Impedance: 8Ω
Sensitivity: 89dB

Thank you
1. YBA Passion

2. Jeff Rowland Concentra I or II

Older but both (or all three if you count the JR's as separate units) will hold there own in today's market

Highly sought after and rarely available, they are worth consideration if you can find them!
I will add Redgum Audio to the list. Directly from Australia. Made there, seven years warranty, great customer service. I think, their top of the line integrated is about $3500, they have other models. Dual volume control - what a great idea.
Rowland and YBA are excellent, but I am not sure about powerfull bass, and the Rowland is very difficult to find.
I have older Redgum RGi120 and like it a lot.
You will also need excellent interconnect and power cord.
Sony TA-A1ES.
Amazing sounding simple integrated. Smooth grain free holographic and detailed.
11-04-15: Pbnaudio
"Look into the Yamaha AS2100 had one throug here a few weeks ago - amazingly good sounding unit."

Totally agree with this suggestion. I have the Yamaha A-S1000 and it is built like a tank, quiet as a mouse, sounds about as neutral as you can get, and has some serious punch. The A-S2100 is said to have all those attributes and then some. Oh, can't forget about those meters.

I currently use a Luxman 505ux with my Harbeth SHL5s and it's a great match. 100W a channel, very flexible. No DAC. Should be able to find one as a demo or used from $2400 to $3000 easily. I tried a Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum and the Luxman is much better with my speakers, especially the bass response.