Best value in pre-owned preamps right now?

I see all sorts of deals as I think lots of people are dumping traditional analog only preamps for those that now include a DAC. Personally I'd NEVER ever want a DAC in my preamp as that technology improves by the minute.

What is your bang for the buck king right now?

I'm not at all interested in digital inputs... so keep that in mind!
Ag insider logo xs@2xhk_fan
Mmm depends on your budget as this is all relative. My picks would be the Audio Research Reference 5 if you want a tubed preamp & Vitus RD-100 if you also want a good dac. They can be found had $6k 2nd hand. The Ref 5 can also be upgraded to SE spec later & tube-rolled if you wanted to take it further. But if you're after a pure ss linestage, the Vitus RL-101 is amazing for the price & is based on filter down technology from the Signature and Masterpiece series.
My vote goes to the Audio Research Reference 3.
Right at $5k and sometimes a little less, it is a stunner.

The new Reference 6 is $14k.
Spectral DMC-10. Particularly if you need a phono preamp. Forget the DMC-6. All Class A discrete design with a real tape monitor loop. Blindingly fast. No remote. Manual volume control an input selector only.

You can probably find one for under $1500.