Tbg, It would be great to have the opportunity to audition the Ultimate 3's, if
only to marvel at the engineering of those $600k beasts! I've read more
than one reviewer say the Ultimates completely fill Magico's huge listening
room (and beyond). I've heard a pair of Acapella High Violins which threw a
large sound stage, so I can only imagine what the Magico's could do. I'm
sure I'll make it to the states one day to catch up with a number of audio
friends & do some factory tours. And Magico would be top of my list.
only to marvel at the engineering of those $600k beasts! I've read more
than one reviewer say the Ultimates completely fill Magico's huge listening
room (and beyond). I've heard a pair of Acapella High Violins which threw a
large sound stage, so I can only imagine what the Magico's could do. I'm
sure I'll make it to the states one day to catch up with a number of audio
friends & do some factory tours. And Magico would be top of my list.