What's your favorite lyric from a song?

Just curious what stays with people...
Happy Birthday Dear Courant, Happy Birthday to You!!

Hearing this is inherently a sign that cake & ice cream will be forthcoming...
That someone supporting policies of the current administration could even bring up the word "truth" in their defense is BITTERLY ironic. Hey Siddh, you don't agree with what Dweller wrote? Feel free to step right up and give the O-man ALL of your stash so he can "spread it around".
If I remember correctly, is was an unpaid for war in Iraq that had something to do with the debt, amongst many other factors creating the situation facing whoever took over in '09. Of course, it's easier to, as Larry David put in one of his Curb Your Enthusiasm episodes, "blame the black man". It's amazing how the guy who inherited the largest surplus in U.S. history and turned it into the largest (up to that time) deficit isn't held responsible for doing so by a certain kind of person.
Who says he's not responsible? Who says that? Get your fairy tales straight...