Good amplifier repair shop near Norwalk, CT?


My Adcom 5800 has developed a buzz. Does anyone have a good amplifier repair shop recommendation that's not too far from Norwalk, CT?

I'm new to area, and see a place called Audiotronic advertised....any personal experience with that place?
Hi Sm_76. Is 60 miles too far? That's supposedly driving distance between Norwalk and Litchfield CT.

I had inquired about a factory authorized shop for Hegel gear. Approved Audio Service in Lichfield was named. Haven't had occasion to use them yet, but they service Adcom and other brands too. No experience w/Audiotronic.

Approved Audio Service, Inc.
49 Commons Dr.
Litchfield, CT 06759
VOICE 860-567-5801
FAX 928-222-9493
I have used both Approved Audio Service in Litchfield and Electronic Service Lab in Wethersfield, CT successfully. Both have been around for many years. Approved Audio sometimes a bit slow but they did the job.