Your experience as Yamamoto owner?


I'm interested in Yamamoto amps, likely the 45-based A-08S or the 2A3 A-011. There is very little info I found here and elsewhere online about these amps, and asking Yamamoto thru e-mail I have gotten no answer. Makes me wonder what to expect in terms of post sales service if I don't even get an answer when asking towards a sale?

So wondering what's the experience of the owners out there? Do you contact Yamamoto or someone else?

Anyone knows where to find user manuals online? Specifically I need to understand what kind of speaker impedance these are designed for, as there is only one set of speaker outputs. Or maybe there are different taps internally for different impedances and one can manually set it?

Thank you!
The Current Yamamoto North American distrubitor is Ocellia Audio in Montreal Canada.
Thanks guys.

I'm intrigued by the lack of owners and threads about this brand. I was aware of Srajan's reviews and those also fueled my interest. The few things I came around sound appealing, but the fact they are so few are also making me pause.

Charles1dad, thanks for the name! I knew there was another rep back in 2005 when Srajan wrote his articles and knew they were out of biz, but didn't know there was a new one. I will get in touch.

I was hoping to be able to discuss with the manufacturer because my intended use is a bit different from mainstream (mainstream in the context of a niche like flea-powered SETs, that is). Will see what Ocellia has to say. Still, I can speak with Elina at Lamm, for example, when I have a question...I was hoping a similar situation when dealing with another niche manufacturer. Oh well.

FWIW, I'm building my own 4-way active speakers, and plan to use a pair of Yamamotos to drive the tweeters and midranges directly. Tweeters are 102dB/W and 5ohm flat impedance. The midranges are TBD, but a couple 100dB/W options and some are 8ohm and could do one at 16ohm. With only one pair of speaker outputs in the Yamamotos I'm not sure what impedance they are expected to be connected to. Hopefully the North American distributor will know.
One other suggestion. . . not specifically about the Yamamoto, but about your design plans in general. . . You could contact DejaVu Audio outside of Washington, DC. They make their own line of 45 and 2a3 SET amplifiers and are highly knowledgeable and willing to customize.
I do not think the owner/designer of Yamamoto Japan speaks or writes much English ... that said the company SHOULD forward messages to a distributor or have someone at the main office who does speak English.

I had owned an A08s for a period but it really did not have enough power for my speakers at the time. BEAUTIFUL build and sound within its limits though. Would not be a difficult amp to repair by any competent repair shop specializing in tube gear ... simple and straightforward layout on all parts
I would second the Deja Vu rec from Gsm18439, I live near Deja Vu and have an amp and preamp of theirs, sound quality and customer service are both tremendous. In addition to building great amps they build custom crossovers as well, which it sounds like you may need.