Be honest please

Do you look down on people that participate on audio websites and brag about dumpster diving to find audio gear or finding gear at the Salvation Army?
Only when they clean them up, spray the pots with de-oxit, change the light bulbs and then claim the untit has been gone through by a tech or has been restored when they sell it.
I wouldn't look down at anyone for trying to find a good value which may be within their budget. As long as it helps them enjoy their music it's all good. What bugs me is when some of these vintage gear lovers espouse their fictional beliefs as truths, like that the old heavyweight receivers from the 70's are better than today's best electronics. They may be better as boat anchors due to their weight, but most of them that are very sought after in some circles sound terrible! They say they don't build them like that anymore, and to that I say my ears are very thankful!
"Do you look down on people that participate on audio websites and brag about dumpster diving to find audio gear or finding gear at the Salvation Army?"

No. I would be thrilled to find one of the old classics in an SA or Goodwill shop.