Be honest please

Do you look down on people that participate on audio websites and brag about dumpster diving to find audio gear or finding gear at the Salvation Army?
"Do you look down on people that participate on audio websites and brag about dumpster diving to find audio gear or finding gear at the Salvation Army?"

No...I don't even look down on my friends bragging about their Bose system.
Bill k,

I can't stand when those vintage guys boast how great the receivers were from the 70's. I owned some of those receivers as a kid and I can tell you they don't hold a candle to what they are making nowadays.
No...I don't even look down on my friends bragging about their Bose system.

I honestly envy them for being TOTALLY enjoy the sound and music with no second guess of the equipment.
I use a vintage Sherwood 7100 receiver in my bedroom. It has a very musical tube sound and really good headphone amp. Its great for listening to CDs through my Grado RS-1s. Found the Sherwood receiver at a local thrift store, mint condition ... 20 bucks. Look down on my all you want. *lol*

Here's a Sherwood 7100-A that looks identical to the 7100. The difference is the 7100 is more tube-like in sound and the 7100-A is more solid state sounding.