Shipping damage becoming a real issue

With several items ordered new in the last couple of months, that were delivered damaged, I wondered if the Audiogon community was seeing the same type of thing, i.e. irresponsible shipping services and more damage with the items you ship. I realize that in the future we may all have to hand deliver gear to buyers when selling or to pick up gear in person from dealers when ordering new. Any thoughts?
I haven't had any problems with new gear, but out of the last 5 used pieces I received, 3 of them were damaged because of crappy packaging from the sellers. Seems to an epidemic of morons.
Agree with Mofimadness, out of dozens, maybe hundreds, of transactions over the last 20 years every instance of damage was because of poor packaging of used gear by sellers. In fact some of the items that were packed very poorly survived without damage and I have to give credit to the shipping services for that.
I am a psychotic over packager and thankfully in all of my transactions here I've never had an issue as sellers I've dealt with have been equally psychotic! But Ghanson you reference new items ordered is this audio gear? Or just stuff in general? I mostly use Amazon and have had nothing but good packaging from them.