What's a contender to an Audio Reference 5 SE?

If you were considering an Audio Reference 5 SE to mate with a Plinius SA-Reference amp, what other preamps might you consider?
I would also suggest VAC or Shindo as preamps that would be in the same league or better. Different sound, though, you'd have to audition to see if you preferred them to the ARC.
LoL!!! More Yoda esk riddlery.

Does your frame of reference extend to ARC Ref40 or Ref10?
VAC Ren. Sig.
Einstein The Pre
I have owned both of the above & either will best the 5SE.
When you compare and test brands, in almost all situations
you will find out the same properties. For example when
you compare and test AR power and pre amp you will find
the same properties. Read the next review. Here you read
the same things I wrote. I did find this today.


"The Audio Research Reference 75, even though it is a
tube-based amplifier, actually sounded drier and somewhat
washed out in its overall tonal colors compared with the
X250.8. Another notable difference between the Audio
Research Reference 75 and the X250.8 was that the X250.8
created a much more three-dimensional soundstage then the
Reference 75--to the point that the 75's soundstage
sounded flat/shallow and lacked air/space around the
individual players."

Audio is comparing and testing; believe me AR is by far
not the best student of the class.

Our focus is only based on the best students of each
class. We always suggest the other students to stop and
look for another study.
I give another example; a cello has a very wide palette in diversity in sound. Pass labs poweramps can give you a very natural palette in the mid freq.

When you listen to many tube amps and pre amps you create often a pleasant sound. People discribe it as warm and musical.

But is it very natural and realsitic? In many situations it is not. Don't see this as negative. People are still free to prefer a more warm sound.

When we listen to tube amps and pre amps we ofen audition that the low, mid and highe freq. sound pleasant and but all the same. So when you test and compare it on deversity of the middle freq it is less complete and natural.

This part you will understand when you owned and tested many Pass Labs power amps.

There is a test of the new Pass Labs XS-300. The person who writes it says: it is better than any tube power amp. The reason why he writes this, is that it is more complete.

When I give a demo with a set what is more complete, people get exited about the sound a lot more. Because all the different parts influences our emotion.

Music is all about emotion. So audio is!