Once a record is fully and effectively cleaned, there should be little need to reclean- if you get a thumb or fingerprint on the record while handling it, the oil from your skin can attract loose contaminants, like dust, and that oil will not be removed by dry brushing or dusting; when the record is spinning, a vortex action is created, which draws dust onto the surface- that can be brushed off after the record is played; if you thoroughly darken your room, and use a small, high intensity flashlight, you are often able to see a fine layer of this dust on your gear; if you use a cloth or brush to dust it off, it just floats into the air, to resettle again. (We aren't in a 'clean room' environment). Inner sleeves can shed or leave lint. I think the issue of 'mold release' is overblown. I have spent a lot of time cleaning old copies - some take some work and multiple steps/methods, but once clean, it is rare that i need to re-clean. Static can be a problem, but there are solutions for that too. I try to minimize the amount of dry brushing I do, because I find the most brushes shed and can contribute to more static even though they are labelled as "anti-static." I also find that the anti-static gun is overkill and hard for most people to use effectively.