Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes

Has anyone heard the Elrog 300B tubes ? I read an article which mentioned that the Elrog 300B delivers 15% less power than a traditional 300B tubes. Can anyone confirm that it is audible ?

I am choosing between Elrog and Takatsuki 300B tubes. I would prefer the Elrog because it is cheaper and supposedly wonderful but if it really sounds less powerful then I have to rethink.

Where does one buy the Elrog 300B in the US? A couple of online dealers are saying they will not take anymore orders until the factory catches up with the demand.

I just bought a pair for my Golden Gate dac from member 'Valvesaglowin'.


George was very patient and helpful on the phone. my pair are suppose to arrive on Tuesday. he is located in New York State.
It would be fascinating to compare the effects of the Elrog in your 300 SET and Berning 300b ZOTL Siegfried amplifiers, very curious about that outcome. Could be something very special.
I have been an audiogon user for more than 10 years. I read audiogon forums often, but I never posted anything. Today I will make my first post.

Elrog 300B failure could be one of the two scenarios or both:

1. Elrog 300B has problem itself.
2. Some of Frankensteins 300B amplifiers if not all have design issues -- huge current surge when the power is turning on. As a result, tubes failed prematurely.

I used to own a pair of CST Frankensteins II 300B amplifiers. The stock tube failed within a month. Within a year, I had encountered 4 300B tube failures. I emailed the designer when I had my 2nd 300B failured. I was assured that the amplifier has no problem, I can use any 300B tubes for the amps, but the problem is I continued to encounter 300B tube failure. After a few month of search, I found a very reputable repairman in California. After he inspected the amps, he told me there was a design issue: huge current surge when the power is turning on. As a result, 300B tubes failed prematurely.
Hi Wjt2005, I wonder if this problem was unique to your particular Frankenstein? I've owned mine for over 6 years and haven't experienced this issue(except for the original Elrogs). I can't speak for other Frankenstein MK II owners but I haven't seen feedback suggesting it's a common problem. It's certainly possible other Franks owners may share your same problem.