O-10, I 'll bite. Education today, does not teach marketable skills. If people learn a skill and they have the ability to use their education they have a great advantage on a person without an education, most of the time. A welder , electrician, computer geek who can manage a business is going to be ok, but a manager with no other skill is at other peoples mercy.
Also, we as parents have not done a good job of teaching our children the skills we know and were taught by our parents. What a shame.
It seems we now have more educated people with no skills, so your guess of a more educated homeless group makes sense to me.
In the past 30 years, I have seen the workplace go from having such a strong pool of workers, we could keep the best and let the others find another calling, to today, having to keep everyone we can find, and letting our performance slide, due to such a poor workforce. That's the problem.
But, the good news is that there are jobs for even marginally qualified people. They just have to find them and work hard and smart to succeed .