New format, dislike.....

Your thoughts?
..geez, you guys are audiophiles, you know there is a break-in period!

Give it 400 hours or so and it will settle in.
Post removed 
Hi Audiogon,
The old format had a "my discussion" that allowed me to keep up and be aware of my recent/ongoing thread participation. This appears to be gone now. I could easily follow multiple threads and respond as necessary. I'd like to see this feature brought back.

Well, I guess you either didn’t like the suggestion I shared after testing the beta, or there is a setting somewhere that I don’t know how to change...

when viewing recent discussions in last 24 hours, how do I change the view so that I only the thread titles and not also see the first line of all the recent posts? The way it is now, it takes more than double the scrolling to browse the recent activity and much screen space is wasted on updates of threads that aren’t of interest.

Thanks for trying. Cheers,
charles1dad 11-30-2015 3:47pm
Hi Audiogon,
The old format had a "my discussion" that allowed me to keep up and be aware of my recent/ongoing thread participation. This appears to be gone now. I could easily follow multiple threads and respond as necessary. I'd like to see this feature brought back.
Charles, in the upper right-corner of any of the forum pages, just click on your screen-name (or the adjacent avatar, if you choose to create one -- it would replace the "C" you probably see there now, that being the first letter of your screen name), and you'll find that.

Justin (Audiogon), I for one think it's a nice improvement, and I've had no problems with it so far.

Best regards,
-- Al