why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable

I have tried expensive cables and one's moderately priced. I would say there were some differences but I can't actually say the expensive cables were better. IMHO I believe a lot of people buy expensive cables because they don't actual trust their ears and are afraid of making a mistake. They figure the expensive cables are better for the fact they cost more. If you have a difference of opinion or share the same thoughts, I would like to hear about it.
@everyone. If somethings sounds great and it's cheaper it's a no brainer. Get what you can afford and enjoy it. Some cables perform way over their price points. It depends on your system. A cable will not always sound better if it costs more. However, we set the market. If we are paying they will keep selling. Enjoy what u have!
I would be ok using my old audio quest Quartz rca's, or would the groneberg Quattro ref be an improvement ver the audio quest Quartz cables???????   They are about 200$ 1.5m pair for groneberg. 

Or just save the cash and use my old audio quest Quartz. ?????
Of course, I entirely disagree with you. There is no strong correlation between price and sounding outstanding, but there is some correlation, which means you cannot expect to find much excellence among the cheaper cables. But I remember when rejected paying $150 for Fulton's speaker wires and settled for welding wires that I thought looked like the Fulton wires but found they weren't and thus I went back to my Radio Shack wires.
I used to be a I'm not spending on cables guy. I remember when I first went from Audioquest rocket 44 and I put in clarus Crimson. Big change. Then I went the high fidelity ct1 brand and it was even better. Expensive but I enjoyed them.  I still have them and I enjoy them. I can't go back to the other stuff. The higher priced cables sounded better 90% of the time to me but all of our hearing can be a little different as well as tastes. I've been blessed to try lots of cables cheap and expensive. In 8 years I've had extended auditions of more than 20 different brands.  Some good.  Some bad but system matching is important.  You have to know what you like most. Your type of music is important as well. I listen to a lot quicker faster jazz. Speed, decay and detail is important.  It's just depends on what you like and what you are willing to pay for it.  I'm not going to down people that don't spend on cables. If you can hear the difference that all that matters.  

Good comments earlier in the thread about personal preferences, music listened to, sonic signature desired and system synergy.  All of this is so purely subjective 90+% of the time that I think we all MAY forget that from time to time.  There are alot of great cables out there costing less as well as more.  I would love to find cables at lower prices that give me the sound I'm looking for and regardless what's already been spent, I already have by some measure due to 2 reasonable dealers and 3 manufacturers who pack a hell of a lot of punch in their cables at a given price point when there are cables out there that cost 2, 3, 4, 5+ times more that claim to deliver the same thing. Believe me,...I never set out years ago thinking I'd have to allocate high-end component-level budget numbers to cable purchases....