Ayon's "Scorpio" tube imtegrated amp vs PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium tube integrated??.

I have considered trying a tube integrated amp. The Prima Luna Prologue Premium has received numerous positive testimonials regarding its sound quality and is considered a bargain at $2399.  Ayon’s new "Scorpian" tube integrated  is more expensive at $4200,  supposedly offers excellent sound quality, but has not gathered many press reviews. .

 Is  anyone familiar with these products??  Are they  reliable over the long haul?? and if so, can either amp  effectively drive any speaker load, including Golden Ear Technology model 7 or the larger model 5.  Or have any problems driving Magneplanar .7 speaker, or any of the Martin Logan speakers.  Thank you  

I own a Primaluna Dialogue One. It is superb. Never any problem, great auto bias, use just about any power tube. One of the best bang for buck amps out there. Great support from Upscale. Best, Rob
I own a Primaluna Dialogue One. It is superb. Never any problem, great auto bias, use just about any power tube. One of the best bang for buck amps out there. Great support from Upscale. Best, Rob
PL Dialogue Premium HP owner here.
Essentially the Dialogue Premium, but another set of power tubes and a headphone jack.
The Ayon certainly looks sharp and probably sounds great. Based on value/performance for the money, the PL line may have an edge. Support is top notch from the distributor, and all the positive reviews are spot on regarding performance. 
Call Kevin @ Upscale Audio. Since he's the distributor, he can answer all your questions about speaker compatability.

I was so pleased with a previous Prologue 2 integrated amp, that going up the line was a no brainer!

I wish it was a "no-brainer" choice., but there is 8.% sales tax in California, and I think Upscale is not into discounting.  Calculated on the retail price of Prologue Premium amp of $2399, the tax is $192.00, and so brings the total to nearly $2600.  I am as patriotic as the next SoCal sun worshipper, but it still is a lot of money. 

Off the issue a bit, has McIntosh's  maintained its reputation for  quality sounding amp??. They used to offer a simple integrated amp, model MA-6300.of 100RMS, that sounded pretty lush when I heard it about 10 years ago at a friend's house driving a pair of  Magneplanar 1.7R's. The sound was quite addictive on even less than stellar CD recordings......... Again, thanks to those who have replied so far.     

Jim, regarding the possibility of pairing the PrimaLuna integrated amp with some and possibly all of the Golden Ear models which incorporate a powered sub, and possibly with some speakers from other manufacturers which incorporate a powered sub, you’ll want to read this thread in its entirety.

BTW, the issue discussed in that thread would not be relevant to a situation in which the amp is simultaneously driving passive main speakers and a **separate** powered sub or subs.

-- Al