Richard Gray's 400 Pro = Emperor's New Clothes??

Category: Accessories

I just purchased (for $800) a Richard Gray's Power Company 400 Pro. I was not in the market for an AC filter, but when I purchased a new system the dealer gave me a hard, hard sell, promising wonders. This is a reputable dealer, so I trusted him, and he gave me a week to try it out. After using the device for a week, and after ensuring the new system (all Rotel with a Rega TT) was broken in, I followed the manufacturer's instructions to demonstrate the effectiveness of the device (ie. plug the decide into a jack on the circuit and all other components into a power strip) then pulled the plug on the 400. Nothing. Despite trying a variety of source material, I could not hear ANY difference with the 400 in or out. I do not have a tin ear and have been able to discern differences with various interconnects, etc., but this device registered no change whatsoever. I'm returning it to the dealer today. Anyone else have a similar experience? Views?
Going from memory...the MKII added the little green light and the Pro uses a fixed power cord with alternate mounting options. Or something like that.
I got rid of my R.G.400 after I tried the PS Audio P500. I have a dedicated 20 amp line and live in a more rural area that does not have peak hour current problems. Even given this, there is no comparison in the improvement to the sound I'm now experiencing w/ the P500 vs. the R.G. 400. Even my wife (who does not like my audio hobby much) appreciates the difference.
I have dedicated lines and find that my RGPC's still make a big improvement to my system. That said, I have a friend that cannot hear any difference with his RGPC's, however he lives on the outskirts of the city and I live right in the middle of it. I'm convinced that they work, but I am also convinced that their effectiveness depends on the condition of the power being fed to your house.
I find that higher the resolution of your system gets, more you will find power conditioner useful.

I am using 400MK II. I am very happy with it. I have 2 dedicated lines. 1 for analog and 1 for digital. I find 400MK II is more suitable for analog equipment. Not suitable for digital. I have PS Audio Ultimate HC for DAC and Chang lightspeed 6400 for transport. When I first put the 400MKII into my system. I plug it into the wall and didn't plug anything in it, just the bass amp(I use bi-amp) on the same receptacle. The bass is more powerful and better control, even the sound is much smoother. Then I plug preamp and high-mid amp into it and get good results.

Even I have 2 dedicated lines and these 3 conditioners in place. Also 2 Quantum Symphony Pro, 1 Symphony and 6 Audio Prism Quietline on TV and computer circuit. When the laundry dryer is on or Brother Laser printer is on. My system sound quality degrade by at least 10% and have some annoying high frequency ring to my ears. I will try Exact power in the future. Hope it helps.