World's BEST ac outlets.......Maestro outlets

Category: Accessories

Over the years I have tried most of the raved outlets on the market and the Porter Ports from Albert Porter were the best that I had found that did not add or take way from the music... here's a few, Oyaide R1, Synergistic Research Telsaplex, FIM 880, WattGate Silver 381 ag, PS Audio powerport premier, Jena Labs, Isoclean Gold. All these other outlets did something to harm the music in some way...some hyped up the highs and mids and others had bloated low ends. I always thought the Porter Ports were the best on the market that I had tried until I tried the Maestro outlets. The Maestro outlets are the most neutral and most accurate outlets that I have ever heard. I let the maestro outlets settle-in a little for 7 full days and nights playing music non-stop before comparing them with my porter ports. When I compared the two I found that the porter ports sounded a little closed-in and a little Flat sounding when compared to the maestro outlets. The porter ports was not as clean or as clear when compared to the maestro outlets. The porter ports low end was a little bloated too when compared to the maestro outlets. On complex musical passages with the porter ports in my system I found myself turning the volume down more...much more! When I was listening to music with the maestro outlets in my system the Trasparency of these outlets were truely amazing and I hope this will get even better as these outlets settle-in more! The soundstage was wider and deeper and they were more upper frequency air too when compared to the porter ports. The Maestro outlets had a lower noise floor that allowed more of the suble cues to come through more. The maestro outlets also had a better separation of individual instruments and vocals....more natural sounding more REAL! I think the non-plated maestro outlets have a much more direct sound than the non-plated porter ports because the Maestro outlets have a higher quality copper content. My vintage sansui sp-5500 horn speakers just completely disappears now with these maestro outlets in my entry level system...Marantz pm-7001 and matching marantz CD player, DH Labs power plus power cables, very cheap copper interconnects from wal-mart, Synergistic Research Alpha quad active speaker cables... I think these maestro outlets will become an Instant Classic!
Hello. I have been running it now not as long as you, but is say 200 hours. It seems to have opened up some, but when I go back to my old outlet (porter port), it just doesn't hold up. Sound just isn't as dynamic, a lot of the soundstage was lost . It's being tested from a dedicated line, plugged directly into source with black sand z1mk 2 powercords. Now not saying its a bad plug by any means, but I'm thinking maybe this one is more system dependant. Setup of mine now has been put together on me reading countless reviews from others experiences becuase its impossible to try everything. I've got a very neutral sound in my system now, which I think we all are tryin to achieve, that why I was excited to try the maestro thinking that by the review, it would give my system even more realism. I'm going to give it another day or so but I'm thinking if it doesn't improve, I'm gonna send it back. Im still keeping my hopes up :-)
I have been trying out a Audio Magic Nano-Liquid fuse in my Yamaha a-s2000 solid-state integrated amp and my amp sounds much better now...everything sounds very smooth and with a very tube-like mid-range !..

These fuses let you hear the Maestro ac outlet's full potential and are a perfect match for these Maestro outlets.

I have been trying out the new cover plates for my Maestro ac outlets from Cruze First Audio and these cover plates are by far the best I have ever tried...period !! These cover plates and Maestro ac outlets together let you hear.. "recorded music the way it was meant to be heard" !!

These cover plates are treated with the same RFI/EMI rejecting compuend used in the Maestro ac outlets !

I would like to get some feedback on these new cover plates from some of the Maestro ac outlet owners out there !

Hifisoundguy, your endorsement of both Audio Magic fuses and Maestro ac outlets lacks any comparative basis. If you are going to review, please give some reason why you should be believed.