Top 5 Hamburgers

Here is how we roll in Cali:

Father's Office, Los Angeles
Hodad's, San Diego
In-N-Out, Baldwin Park
TK Burger, Costa Mesa
Jalama Beach Grill, Santa Barbara

How do you roll?
D Mob,I helped create the Pharmaka Gallery across the street from the Nickel in 2004. Along with Bert Green, we were the pioneers in starting Gallery Row. They have a wonderful art walk once a month. 20 galleries plus the Museum of Contemporary Art. 5,000 people attend. Usually the second Thursday of each month. Recommend it to all Angel residents.
several competitors in mpls/ st paul, but any burger anywhere (except hickies in ohio) might pale to a 'juicy lucy'
I defy anyone to eat a whole large order of Five Guys' fries. It is way too much even for two people.

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