Top 5 Hamburgers

Here is how we roll in Cali:

Father's Office, Los Angeles
Hodad's, San Diego
In-N-Out, Baldwin Park
TK Burger, Costa Mesa
Jalama Beach Grill, Santa Barbara

How do you roll?
I used to like Rockenwagner's in Venice in their early days. Never forget their thinly sliced, super tender seasoned lamb loin piled high on a pretzel bread bun. No burger/sandwich outside of the NYC 21 Club burger came close to that. IMO of course.
Byegolly. Yeah, that was a good one. He has a new inexpensive sausage joint on Abbott Kinney. Speaking of that side of town, I also liked Cora's Coffee Shop in San Mo. They made a pretty tasty burger a la the tradition of the Apple Pan and Pie and Burger.

Macdad: Christian's Totem in Houston rocks. Nice selection of toppings. BTW: Your Top 5 has been "googled" and now appears in the organic search line, right below yelp, when you type in Top 5 Burgers Houston.
Not sure if it's still there but remember years ago when living in Chicago, Boston Blackies had good burgers.
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