Top 5 Hamburgers

Here is how we roll in Cali:

Father's Office, Los Angeles
Hodad's, San Diego
In-N-Out, Baldwin Park
TK Burger, Costa Mesa
Jalama Beach Grill, Santa Barbara

How do you roll?
Byegolly there is also a black and blue burger at BW3, a blackened hamburger with bleu cheese, alas they are always overdone and not worth the price...

agree about the pineapple on pizza (ugh) but that is not the same thing!
New York:

In no particular order:

Dumont Burger in Brooklyn
Donovans in Brooklyn
Shakeshack in NY
Lure Bar in NY
Royale in NY
Johnnie Macks in Brooklyn
My next 5, outside of Cali, that nobody has shouted out yet:

Burger Bar, Roy UT
Casper and Runyon's Nook, Minneapolis
Johnson's, Siler City, NC
Triple XXX, West Lafayette, Indiana
Txikito, NYC

This is a public service anouncement.
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It's not something that can be determined with measurements! :^) It's more a sense that you know it's right when you taste it.
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