Best beer

Kokanee gets my nod.
My favorite beer also happens to be a seasonal beer available only around Christmas - Lagunitas Sucks. Not the most charming name but there's a story behind it.

Another terrific, seasonal find, but very limited distribution is Pliny The Younger from the Russian River Brewing Company. Otherwise, I keep Bell's Two Hearted Ale and Stella Artois around.

When I want to splurge a little, I'll open a Stone Ruination but it's a little too expensive for an everyday brew for me.
I said it before, I'll say it again.Milwaukee's Best. The name says it all !!!!!
I raise up my Warsteiner to each and everyone of ya. Here's to good beer, good music, and good sounding equipment to play it on!
Went to a Super Bowl party and brought a 6 pack of Breckenridge Brewery Vanilla Porter. It was the beer hit of the party. Everyone agreed very drinkable, not too sweet like a dessert beer, but still a pleasant vanilla taste with an earthy but smooth finish. I would prefer to drink only in the cooler months and just a couple until I switch and finish with a malty Sam Adams Octoberfest or the like.
