Review: Denon APl 3910 CD Player

Category: Digital

Musical tastes : Patricia Barber , Deep Forest , Sting , Banco de Gaia , Seal , Steely Dan and anything from the FIM label . Recordings I use for testing are Chesky s Ultimate Demonstration Disc , Chesky s Women of Song , Patricia Barbers Modern Cool , Dean Peer s Its All Good , Diana Krall Love Scenes and all Burrmester discs . Most important aspect of sound reproduction to me is transparency , timbral accuracy and soundstaging properties. Turn offs are a bass heavy balance. This unit has been with me for 3 months. It replaced a Bat Vk D5 SE and marantz SA 1 . The sound changed by becoming more focused with a much larger soundstage .The players within a given ensemble seperated dramatically and it was much easier to look into the soundfield and place the space between the instruments. A favorite disc for this test is Deep Forest s "Music Detected". Each track is brilliantly recorded and is a fantastic disc for evaluating spacial characteristics of your speakers and how they react within your system . With the Denon , the sound wrapped around both sides of the room and enveloped me in a faux surround sound enviroment that no other player in my system had done. It was deeper as well as wider than any player I have ever auditioned .The Sacd version of Diana Krall "Love Scenes" is breathtaking in its imaging properties and the Denon was spot on . The acoustical envelope was clearer and more holographic with an extended top octave which added immediacy and air to percussive instruments and cymbols.A good example is Johnny Frigos "I Love Paris ". Stregnths were an obviously huge soundstage and quick midbass percussive attack. The arrangement is fast and taunt and the Denon seemed to place acoustical air around the musicians. It comes alive on the Denon. Lower bass was extended deeper and discs like the DVD-A version of Blue Man Groups " Audio " showcase the stregnths of the Denon by delivering a far superior percussive assault than the Bat , Marantz Sa 1 or the Meridian G 98 . Female vocals became natural and engaging. Rebecca Pidgeon s famous " Spanish Harlem " was so lifelike I felt like it was the first time I had heard the track. Instrumental " character " was better defined as cymbals became more easily deleniated from one another within a given song. Dean Peers " Its All Good" has a wealth of cymbal diversity on it and the decay and individual caracter of the various unique cymbals used are beautifully recreated through Alex Peychevs Denon 3910. I am no relation to nor affiliated to Alex or APl Hi Fi . I have also heard no better player regardless of price.

Thank you for your response with the many descriptive characteristics of the various PCs that you have tried, as well as their relative merits in your system. This is very helpful!

My quest for a PC for the APL 3910 was inspired by an experience while auditioning the APL unit at an Audiogon member's home. When he changed to the Virtual Dynamics Nite 2 power cord (from Electraglide Ultra Khan revised), the improvement was pleasantly dramatic: 1) The levels of detail and coherence increased without sounding analytical. 2) The highs and lows had greater extension. 3) It was smoother and more refined without smearing the microdynamics and harmonic bloom. The sound stage was wider and deeper (way deeper). 5) It captured more of the vibrancy of music. 6) The bottom line: There was a significant increase in involvement and enjoyment of the music.

I understand Virtual Dynamics has a PC in their more elite Master Series. I have not run into anyone who has heard it. It would be interesting to compare the Elrod Statement with the VD Master.

At this stage, I would put the VD Night 2, the Elrod EPS sigs and the Xindak at the top of my short list. That is where I will start (and dream about the Statement and the Master). Other PCs that were recommended to me on my thread ("Mating power cords with APL 3910") include Wolf Carbon Source, Foundation Research, Mini Khan Plus, and the VH Aire Sine. I would like to get more feedback on these to determine the ones I should audition.

Once my APL arrives and I settle on a PC for it, I will immediately try to upgrade the power line conditioning and the power cords on my amps (Jadis JA80 monoblock tube amps driving the Wilson Audio Watt/Puppies and the Krell amp driving Wilson's WHOW). Next, the interconnects and the speaker cables. So, I have a long journey ahead. I appreciate very much your help to get me going on my upgrades.

Enjoy the Music,
Hey John , I need to try the nite 2 if you say its that good. Thanks. I also have a few Electraglide epihpany pcs coming and will move them around and let you know what i fine. As far as line conditioners , the best i have found is Jim Weils Sound Applications . His Reference line Stage is jaw dropping.
I would absolutely try the Elrod Sig 2 on the 3910, which is what I currently have. If you like it, the Statement is even "more of a good thing". In my system, I have a Statement coming from the wall, several Sig 3's, a Sig 2 and an Epiphany (preamp)and couldn't be happier with the performance, after trying what seems like 100 other cords. I've had very similar experiences as Brainwater every time I replace another "high-end" cord (no names - I don't want to offend anyone) with an Elrod Sig or Statement in my system.
Just in case some participants to this thread have not discovered it yet, APL has very recently started its own dedicated discussion forum facility at:

Thank you for your suggestions and observations. Based on your and Brainwater's strong endorsements, I have added Elrod Sig 2 to my short list. The Statement is a bit pricey for me, even on a used market. The Shunyata and Virtual Dynamics cords round out the top of my short list. I'm also tempted to try Xindak and a few other good values recommended to me in this thread in my secondary system after I get a new CD player for it.

Enjoy the Music,