Most overrated audio manufacturers?


Do you really think Oppo is overrated? It does get a lot of great press, but dollar for dollar it is probably the best deal in audio. My Oppo relegated my Esoteric DV to spare bedroom status.
Scvan. I think Oppo makes a good unit, but when people start comparing them to a Krell, or Esoteric then I think they are overrated. Same thing with EmotivaÂ…good for the money, but by far the best
"07-05-14: Judyazblues
1. Atma-sphere
Amps that are suitable with 5% of all speaker systems."
This is unfair! This thread is about overrated products, not how wide a range of components they can be used with. Also, I have the MA-1 monoblocs, that can probably drive 30-40 percent of speakers out there fairly well (the big MA-2s perhaps 70 percent). Basically I think Atma-sphere is underrated, for example in Stereophile. At least, for me, with well matched speakers (Audiokinesis), this is the sound I love, every day.
I've disagreed with Atma-sphere on here about some things, but even his low power amp can easily drive way more than 5% of speakers. Probably well more than 95%.
Go to Japan and see how everyone loves SET amps, and they are using them on similar speakers as here. Most people don't listen to music at peak SPL of 100+db. Try 85-90 at most.
The wattage race of the 70's was overrated in the amps and it still is.

Anyone want to admit the regularly use 200 watts of power? If so how huge is your room 400m^2 or bigger?