Most overrated audio manufacturers?

Sabai - I agree with most of what you say, but I would not put my Kimber KCAG cables in the "yawn" category, they are more in the "have served me well over the years" category. Mogami - well perhaps, but then again, they are cheap and dont claim to be miracles. I run two Synergistic research Master Coupler power cords to my MA-1 mono blocs, one with active shielding, one without, and have noticed, the one with active shielding does indeed sound a bit better. So perhaps you are referring mainly to some "yawn" models of these brands.
If I can't trust my wires to work miracles, who can I trust?

They are so simple compared to all the rest. Even a wire hanger might work in the clutch. Now that's a miracle!

No wonder people feel the need to spice them up a bit. Who cares about such simple devices.

Oh yeah, audiophiles. I guess that covers it.
HiDiamond Cables are definitely NOT in the "yawn category". I have tried several power cords and the P3 is clearly one of the best values in all of HEA. Other then a dedicated line this is the best $750(2/used P3's)I have spent. The time is now for all audiophiles to consider cables as a component NOT an accessory!
As far as being overrated, only Bose comes to mind, as far as what the general public thinks.

But I can't really come up with anything else. As to overpriced, well, that's a different story.

I have no doubt that Goldmund products are well-engineered, well built, and using those big slabs of aluminum are expensive. But the prices? I just don't see it.

Same with Audio Note (Japan)...I don't doubt they are extremely fine products, all that silver, but they MUST be overpriced.

"Statement" (top-of-the line) cables...thousands of dollars, jeez louise.