Dear Dangcao: Japanese " loves " that S geometry with foundation in that the climax , normally in classical music, happens at the end of a LP side and those clemaxes are recorded at higher velocity and at the end/inside part of the LP the forces are harder for the stylus/cartridge to track it.
So, the S geometry " helps " for the " normal " distortions ( other than the geometry alignment ) be at " minimum in that part of the recorded area but we have to pay for it because only in that inside part ( few mm. ) distortions are lower but in all the LP area just from the begin the distortions are way higher tahn in other kind of geometry alignments.
Several of the vintage topnearm designs came from Japan.
At the " end of the day " in almost any tonearm you can make the tonearm/cartridge set up with the alignment of your choice. I don't know yet one tonearm that accept one and only one geometry alignment kind.
Regards and enjoy the music,