What do I need to Stream online music?


I was out over 18 years and now coming back.  Seem many hi end audiophile are doing streaming musics.  I have no knowledge about this.  Any advice on what do it need to start, which site is a good site to download musics.

Thank you,
simple answer:PC>USB cable>DAC>amp>speakers or headphones>Pandora/Tidal or similar music service.There’s a good PC Audio Forum here.Head-Fi.com is also really great for reviews on just about every piece of gear out there for streaming audio.There are also many choices out there now with amps that have the DACS built in like Peachtree Audio.If you look at my headphone rig you will see how it all comes together.Good luck & welcome to streaming audio.
Thank you.  Does sound quality is the same as CD with hi end equipment?      

It is to my ears & I listen a lot.Some people who have golden ears & multi thousand $ systems might say differently.