Latest Absolute Sound

I just got it yesterday and they are reviewing amps from 12k to 97k. I sat back and thought who is really buying this stuff. I know the average audiophile Isn't and the one's that actual have the money are always looking for deals via Audiogon. Is this just audio porn for the readers or are people actually buying this stuff.
After many years of reading TAS it has always been my perception that the "higher" end was their target audience in the first place. They were always a lower volume subscription and circulation magazine and no offense to the rest of us not so wealthy audiophiles, it wasn't intended to cover lower end gear, it was geared to those who could afford the more expensive gear. It wasn't about price, it as about obtaining the "absolute sound" regardless of price.
Yes ... There are the thin air level oxygen breathers that can and do purchase this strata of gear..... More than we think.

The vast majority of us toiling in the plebeian working class can only wish, for sure .

i recentjy saw a $400k+ system at an audio expo.... I lost count of the actual stratospheric price. It was replete with all NORDOST ODIN cabling .... (That's all of Speaker, ICs, and power cables .... Do the math just on those alone) ...... driven by a pair of near $100K mono blocks.(that's $~$100K each....sigh).

In nirvana ....full stop ..... but certainly never in my world.

Just like the $million+ super cars for  you to smoke the freeway 0-100 in a flash , if you have the coin.

Really, Taters?  It's an old complaint. Trolling again?  Seriously, that's what these magazines do. They always have. Nothing new. Move on. Don't read them if you don't like it. A great online magazine, Affordable Audio, died because nobody cares. Buy what you like. Ignore what people say. Argue about which $1000 cable sounds better. Nothing else to do with your time. 
It's called the absolute sound not the very good every mans sound.  Where else better  to pitch expensive toys?  

Sorry, but I really like TAS.  I have been a subscriber since Issue 20, (December 1980) and have never let it lapse.  I have even found all of the back issues and now have a complete set.

I love the writing and the expertise of the staff.  I have many of the same listening biases as a few of the writers.  I have also met quite a few of the contributors over the years, (including HP....R.I.P. Harry).

I find it reads like a novel, not like something like the old Stereo Review scope of magazines.

I still read each one from cover to cover and still find it very interesting even though I could probably never afford a lot of the gear they review.  I go into it wanting to learn and usually do even though I'm been around the high-end for many years.  Always something new to learn about.