Yamaha A-S3000 - any experiences?

This integrated seems real interesting - have you heard it?

Have you heard it with a turntable as source, using its phono stage?

A concern for me is that they chose 50 ohm for the fixed MC value (usually it's 100 ohms to accommodate most carts) - I have a Shelter Harmony that states 'within 100 ohms'...I wonder how that would affect the sound (I think not much, but...)...anyways, please share if you have any experiences of this amp...MANY thanks and Happy New Year to you all!
Had a AS2100 through here a few months back, it was astoundingly good for its price.  Did not try the Phono stage but if as good as the rest of the amp I would not worry.

For a low impedance MC cartridge the difference between 50 Ohm and 100 Ohm loading should not be that noticeable, the Shelter has a 15 Ohm impedance, not exactly "low" but it should work. 

Good Listening


I've not heard it personally, but remember reading a review at what hifi. They thought it didn't justify the price tag, and didn't consider it an all rounder, considering the competition at that price point.
What hifi  is often said to be always looking out for the home team.

In England for a century the common wisdom was "British therefore best" .
Still in force in some quarters .

Now if one of the Germans rags had said it My ears would perk up .