Sanders sound systems preamplifier

Waiting for it's delivery.   Would this be better than my other 2 preamps???

onkyo p-308
B&K pro 10 mc

just want your thoughts on the sanders preamp.  Will it offer better clear sound than these other two preamps?

when I plug in the onkyo, I get instant static from tweeters.  I hope it's not a home cable issue

how do separate all my cables to minimize any hum, ac interference ???  Wrap all power cords together?
everything is bunched behind my tv. 
I would never compare d9's to sanders as far as speakers. Hahahah
jo compare.  D9 are rock speakers. Sanders way out of the league in comparison. 

Having a problem with missing bass when i switched to the sanders pre. 
Im getting the empress cables by grover for my connections. I hope they can add some low freq, all i need is a wee more. 
Hi arcticdeth,  Before you spend any more money, get your cables separated with as little contact between them as possible.  Having them bunched up behind the tv is asking for problems.
Can I wrap some foil/elec tape on the cables where they touch?
 It is not possible to have them not touch.  This wouldn't add bass to my dilemma.  I would hate to return the sanders pre!
Ok, had a friend bring over some NWA , technotronic, ice-t, and other bass heavy stuff on cd. 

There me was an improvement in the bass dept as expected playing rap, techno.   When I play regular rock, bass disappears, could it just be the recording, and the preamp is very revealing/neutral to the source material????????????  I'm so boggled still why this heavy hitter pre is so weak on the bass dept.  everything else is great!  

Ac/dc ball breaker does have a little tighter bass than other cd's, maybe it's just the recording?  I have bass, but can't hear it that much from my couch about 8-9 feet away, whereas with onkyo preamp, I can get the China to jingle/clang on the shelves, and the window hanging stuff to rattle. With t he sanders, I only had some window shaking with the rap(which is good) but nothing else.   I don't know if I should send It back for a look-see by the man who makes them, or live with it.  I was recommended the Conrad Johnson et3, or the matching pre (McCormack ld-2). 

Son on of a...................
Sounds like the Sanders pre is not a good fit in your system for what you want . You want bass ? Try a Bryston pre . Killer bass , Great soundstage . Immediacy - musicians in your room sound .