Best speakers for $3000

I'm looking to purchase a pair of towers 
I listen to mostly r&b soul rap and blurs/jazz I have a emotiva xpa 200 to power them 
If you’re after a more sophisticated speaker that nails voice and blues guitar, I’d check out the LV OBX-R2’s Trrevell.
Proac D20R's are a fantastic speaker as well as Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Baby Grand SE's.  I think you would like either of these better than the Zu's.

I would look for the speaker that your amp can properly drive, is within your budget and most important - sounds best to you. 

But you really insist on my recommendation to add the growing list above, I'll be happy to give it you. 

It sounds like the OP wants what sounds best at $3000 for others, then he'll decide among this short list developed using whatever factors he decides to use.

Trrevell, I have found that bang for buck is best with either used, or internet direct companies like your emotiva amp.  An internet direct speaker company that floored me with its Sierra 2 model was Ascend Acoustics.  This speaker simply does everything right with no weaknesses.  The detail, accuracy and air is just splendid.  The highs, with the Raal Ribbon tweeter, are never harsh but so real and detailed.

For you, I'd suggest looking into the floorstander model, the Sierra Tower, with the Raal Ribbon option.  A 7 year warranty, 30 day in home trial, for 2800.  Not sure about shipping though.  
Aerial 7b, 8, 8B, or 10T all do a good job at what you want, and at current used prices are enough below your budget to get a better amp also