Have you ever spoken with a designer or audio engineer

I'll never forget I was doing an audio banquet some years past. At my table were 2 audio engineers. At the banquet they had a lottery for audio accessories. I happen to win a power cord from a fairly well known companies. One of the engineers laughed when I was showing it to people at my table. He said power cords are totally hocus pouch and there is no scientific studies proving there any better than stock cords. He said there basically made for insecure audiophiles. I had mentioned I already had some after markets cords in my system and they definitely made an improvement. He just laughed and said a sucker is born everyday in the audiophile world.

Now the guy I am talking about isn't some unknown schlub. He works for one of the biggest high-end companies in the world and is fairly well known. In fact some people think he is a great designer of audio equipment. I have only talked to a couple of audio engineers in my life and they were both skeptical.  I wonder if this is common among engineers and designers?

looking around my room at my gear; there are only 5 pieces of gear where i have not personally known the designer/engineer/builder of the gear and spoken to them a number of times.

my Ortofon MC Anna cartridge, my 2 Studer A-820 master recorders, Herzan active isolation shelves, Entreq grounding boxes and my Furutech GTX-D(R) duplex outlets.

I know all the other gear's designers (and they know me); speakers, amps, preamp, tt, tone arms, digital dacs, power cables, interconnects, speaker cables, tape repro, system power grid isolation transformer, record cleaner, even the rack and decoupling footers. i know all those people and appreciate their perspectives and passion for their products.

these designers have the technical chops and degrees; but also they all love music.....passionately. and they 'get it'.

And then you have Japanese designers like Shindo, who through listening, consider every rca, capacitor type, volume control, and so on, to tailor a sound they want for each component, starting with their own power cord, and ending with specific brands of tubes.

There are plenty of them here and they participate on discussions. No biggie.
I spoke years back with Vince from Totem Acoustics and with Chris from Sonic Frontiers (now from partsconnexion). 

Hey Schubert. Do you have any data that would back up that ridiculous statement? 
Amp designers are the worst,

well sure Power corrupts....absolute Power corrupts .....(all together now) Most posts here seem to centered around amplifiers ?

from the Ross Walker interview


Do you try to appeal to the audiophile market?

"No. The audiophile is on an endless quest He wants change. He is not interested in something that is good enough to remain unchanged."

But if Quad is the best, shouldn’t he end up with Quad?

"But he wouldn’t be an audiophile; that would be the end of it. How dull it would be."

makes me smile every time I read it.


Audio engineers and designers are not all cut from the same cloth. Some are rigid in their beliefs and feel the notion of tweaks or upgradeded parts and accessories are pure foolishnes and money wasted. Yet others who are just as talented and knowledgeable will openly encourage and embrace the merits of upgrading. They will tell you that different tubes, cables, capacitors, fuses, vibration control devices etc all make a difference. Just depends on who you are talking to.

Charles1dad - can you give an example of each please?

And then you have Japanese designers like Shindo, who through listening, consider every rca, capacitor type, volume control, and so on, to tailor a sound they want for each component, starting with their own power cord, and ending with specific brands of tubes.

wow ...all that work Acman3. Then their products get placed into rooms and spaces that all different dimensions, different gear, treatments, humidity and temp levels, audiophile mood levels, etc...


taters......congratulations. perfect timing for all these posts.

On the first day of Audiophilia .....- my true love gave to me - Cheap audio cables....
On the second day....