Yamaha? Welcome back!

After years of mass market average components Yamaha is making huge strides in the audiophile market with their new "natural sound" integrated amps.  I lost my tube amp to a bad move and replaced it with a Yamaha 2100 integrated amp. I was blown away by the headroom and warm sound. It seems like they have taken notice of the high end market again. Welcome back!

My CA-2010 is right at home with my Druids in Class A mode.


For those counting, that’s 30 watts of FET Class A into 8 ohms (so theoretically 15 watts for a 16 ohm person like me). I’m usually using a single watt and I’m getting large dynamic orchestral performances In my living room, as well as lifelike singer-songwriter duos. The mono switch helps make the soloist pieces more intimate. The phono stage is amazing. Running a soundsmith MI cart on my YP-D8 TT. I had my amplifier cleaned by Analogique in NYC they do great work.

For years I was running systems that excelled in rock, but failed in jazz, that could do solos but not orchestras... Those days are gone. This old girl has articulation, separation, and speed with a very mild FET class A bloom that makes instruments glow.

Is is it the first word in transparency? No. But it has a very balanced top to bottom. There is a very mild veil... Albeit a pleasant one... And far less a veil than many other systems that have graced my ears. I have run this amplifier main in, bypassing the preamplifier, but the pre stage adds a softness and warmth that takes the edge off of city life. I would love to hear how it stacks up with the venerable AS3000!
I've always respected Yamaha, back in the 80's, I had a receiver called,  the R-100, that was a really good sounding receiver, still to this day,  best sound for a receiver. 
I just purchased the AS 2100 and the CD S2100 its only been a week, but so far so good. Very smooth and clear, plenty of power and build is very high quality. It does remind me of the 70s I know I was there.
Nice score!  These made in Japan products are very fine indeed.
Happy Listening!