best value current production tonearm

I don't want to mess with vintage arms.
As a second arm to my Steve dobbins garrard 301 (the 1st one is ortofon rs-309d) i'm looking for a great value current production (or last years production) arm with adjustable vta and preferably with detachable head shell at a budget of up to $2-2.5k new or used.
thanks in advance to all repliers.
Yet another vote for Trans-Fi. Vic, the proprietor of Trans-Fi, seemed to be on a mission to improve my system and do whatever was necessary to make it happen. It did.
I have one. About two years here. Simple. Anyone can make something complex. 
Got the Salvation TT. I can't imagine wanting anything else for spinning vinyl. 

Another vote for the Trans-Fi Terminator!  There are a lot more of us than I thought.  Mine needs a little fiddling with the wiring loom occasionally but that is all to keep it happy.  VTA on the fly, azimuth adjustable (not on the fly) and spare tonearms less than $200.  Just make sure things are level.

Wntrmute2 is right. Make sure that things are level. A carpenter's level is essential, a Starrett machinist's level (8") is better.