Yamaha A-S3000 - any experiences?

This integrated seems real interesting - have you heard it?

Have you heard it with a turntable as source, using its phono stage?

A concern for me is that they chose 50 ohm for the fixed MC value (usually it's 100 ohms to accommodate most carts) - I have a Shelter Harmony that states 'within 100 ohms'...I wonder how that would affect the sound (I think not much, but...)...anyways, please share if you have any experiences of this amp...MANY thanks and Happy New Year to you all!
As willand mentions above the tone controls of the Yamaha AS3000 are bypassed in main direct mode.  I use my AS3000 primarily for stereo listening with an Hegel HD11 DAC but I do have the left and right preamp channels of my home theatre receiver (Yamaha RXA3030) connected to the AS3000 main direct input allowing the receiver to have preamp control for movies.  The receiver's amps handle center and surround, the AS3000's amps handle left and right.  Works and sounds great, and keeps me from having to switch out speaker cables every time I go back and forth from stereo mode to movie mode.  But again most of my time is spent listening to the 3000 stereo only.

I'm now a couple of weeks in with the AS3000 and am loving it.  Absolutely no regrets.  I find the review by stevehuffphoto on line to very accurately describe the sound almost point for point with my findings.  Lots of late night listening lately.

Thanks for your info. Keep us posted as it breaks in more. I'll probably have to settle for an A s2100 unless A4L gets a refurbished 3000 in silver (I really do not want black). I would love someone to compare the sound differences between the two (the 2100 vs 3000). Obviously, the 3000 will have it beat hands down, but would like to hear someone's opinion on how much better.
Looks like the black and silver versions of the Yamaha A-S3000 are now the same price, $7K.

That's great because I love the silver version.