Oppo 105D as media center

Merry Christmas everyone! Well it's time for me to shuffle around my hifi systems. My current digital source is the lovely myro.air and it does most of what I'd like to do... So it will move to my bedroom with my Sophia baby amp and L100's. This thing is a great little streaming Swiss Army knife and I'd recommend it in a heartbeat.

looks like I might breaking my mostlyYamaha pedigree https://instagram.com/p/_s2vsdiRic/

and the 105 does everything digital I'm looking for (SACD, CD, UPNP, DoP) and leaves room for video. There are probably detractors out there saying that you shouldn't mix DSD and PCM players... But at this juncture a multifunction device will do.

here's the headspin... I'm looking at these mods, And my mind is jello. EVS, modwright, upgrade company, custom analogue, oppomod, sound affairs, vinculum (they don't list their prices, they look too bougie).

have any any of us ever had a chance to hear these up against each other? I'm sure they all yield improvements. The prices are all over the map, but the mods sound pretty similar. Clock, analog stage, power supply... Mix, match, repeat. I guess I'm interested in EVS and oppomod, and most interested in staying solid state... (As I may add tubes to the signal path at a later date if I wish).
I bought a 103D to use as a universal transport, plus for Netflix, Pandora, and my .wav  and FLAC files.....it's a great machine.....I have a NAD M51 DAC and with a daughter in college the 103 was a better fit.  The 105D is a great machine and I could justify the cost if it was wasn't for already owning a great DAC.  I love the 103D, I wish I bought one sooner.  
"I have no idea what an unmodified Oppo sounds like.  I've never heard one, but the reviews aren't very flattering."

Every review I have read goes overboard about how good the Oppo units sound. I see modded Oppo units for sale on Audiogon and C****list, but even used they ask double or triple the original price. I repeat, if they sound so good modded then why are they for sale? 

The obvious answer is for OP to listen to the unmodded Oppo 105D insitu for a month or so before deciding if any mod is needed in OP's judgement.  I'm guessing the decision will be no.
I also own a Modwright truth mod 105. I owned Modwright Sony for ten years before that. The Modwright 105 is commonly seen at RMAF and is known for it’s great sound and value. I enjoy mine very much. Dan has a great reputation and will repair any issues if needed quickly.
Over the years I have heard John’s gear at RMAF it always sounded great to me.