Why are people always getting into pissing matches because they think what they have is better

Luckily I don't see it as much on here compared to other audio websites. I just find it so annoying I stop looking at the thread. There are just to many variables in audio to debate what is better than what. I guess it's just an ego thing that I don't want to take part in.

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Can it be that our attempts at improving our systems are the same as "repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different result"?
[url=Its a MADHOUSE! (Planet of the Apes, 1968) - Edited - YouTube]
Great post!  I think it's mostly ego.  And then, our relentless pursuit for a perfect system (if there is such a thing out there). I have been in this hobby for 15+ years.  As part of audiophile community, all of us deserve bit of recognition for the time and effort we have vested in putting together our 'dream' system.  

Happy listening!!!