Does anyone have an opinion about the new P S Audio Bridge 2 ?

I was interested in buying a Bridge 2.  Have you bought this item ?  What are your thoughts about the item ?

I setup the Bridge II with Jriver and crossover Cat 6 cable from  Mac mini,  sounds much better than Amarra  with itune.

Not a very easy task, but Google will get you there.

I have the impression that it won't do gapless playback. Would look into this before buying.
The Bridge 2 does gapless beautifully. More stable than the original Bridge and it sounds better too.
For the average audiophile user PS Audio is doing a lousy job on their web (and support site) in helping their customers setting up the Bridge. Install and forget per their little video? Don't think so! I have the Bridge I and apparently it has some issues with DHCP so I need to set it the IP address manually - no sweat - I am used to do that but that is nowhere mentioned in any documentation, wasted time in try and error as I take for granted that modern devices do DHCP w/o a hitch.

The Bridge is sourced from another company and networking is apparently new to PS Audio so they learn as we stumble along the way.
I have a virtually new Bridge II I don't need because I bought a dedicated music server that I'll sell for $500 if anyone's interested.
I have the box and paper work. I bought it new from a certified dealer. It's barely used and works perfectly. 

I don't need it because I gave a smaller company a fighting chance and turns out their server and DAC is every bit as good, probably better then the PS Audio DAC and certainly the Bridge II as good as it is. Probably because it's not mass marketed via marketing wizardry like PSA. 

If anything I found JRIVER and the BridgeII somewhat fidgety and JRIVER crashed and froze my computer way to much so I looked for something else and found it. 

I also found the PSA DS DAC to sound veiled. Like it's got a blanket lying over the top of music. Quite a discovery. No one with this DAC is hearing the music in it's full glory and no one can say they are because they are not. It's muffled probably on purpose because most peoples systems are far to bright and painful to listen to. That my take on it.