Overfilled sillicon on a basis vector tonearm

i got a call from a friend. He filled the sillicon into the damping cup too much. Now the sillicon is all over the tonearm ball bearing assembly. Is there any effective way to get it out without damaging the arm? Should he dip it into any kind of fluid such as acetone or gasoline?
I hate stories like this. I would strongly recommend that your friend gets a hold of a good dealer or the manufacturer: yesterday.
Agree. He told me tried to contact Basis 2 weeks ago with no response from them.
Any suggestion other than that?

Keep trying Basis, by email and phone.  It's a fairly small operation, and it might have been difficult to get them over the holidays, and also with CES.

Good news,
I got reply from Basis. There is no effect on the toneam operation at all. It is intended to work that way.
Thanks Gentlement
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